Custom Designs for Special Applications

Custom Connectors, Housings, and Cable Assemblies
The Phoenix Company of Chicago’s innovative engineering resources provide customers with a variety of design services from product modifications to custom PkZ® contact designs, connector housings, and cable assemblies. Our vertical integration and proximity to North American customers allows Phoenix to develop a wide array of unique RF connector solutions.
The PkZ
Phoenix offers a large selection of standard PkZ contacts and existing design options developed for various application requirements. If custom development is necessary, our vertical integration and in-house engineering staff ensure that your requirements are met. Our ability to quickly customize the PkZ and provide low to mid-volume pricing sets us apart from the competition (and puts you ahead of yours).
Microwave Cable Harness and Assemblies
Phoenix offers a complete microwave cable assembly service. The Phoenix Company’s cable assembly program and family of PkZ contacts are seamlessly aligned to produce exceptional quality and performance across a wide range of options.
The PkZ can be used with ARINC 600, MIL-DTL-38999, Mighty Mouse, LRM, and size-8 Combination D-Subminiature housings. For special applications with unique requirements, The Phoenix Company can design and develop a fully custom housing to meet your specifications.