Leading Blindmate Microwave Contact Technology
Constant Impedance, Consistent Performance
PkZ® Microwave Contacts
Blindmate Microwave PkZ Contacts, Size-8, Size-12, and Size-16, 50 and 75 Ohm, 3 – 50 GHz
PkZ® Connector Housings
Connector Housings for PkZ Contacts: Size-8 RF D-Subs, Size-16 PRC, and Custom Applications
PkZ® Adapters and Terminations
Between Series Size-8, Size-12, and Size-16 PkZ Adapters and PkZ Termination Contacts
Quantum Computing Products
Semi-Custom and Custom Connector and Cable Solutions for Cold Temperature Applications including the HDQ Connection System
Cable Assemblies
PkZ Cable Assemblies and Non-Magnetic Cable Assemblies, Made to Order with Your Choice of Cables
Non-Magnetic Connectors and Contacts
Connectors and Contacts for Sensitive Medical and Cold Temperature Applications
Low Frequency RF and Power Contacts
RF and Power Contacts for D-Subminiature Connector Housings
Tools and Accessories
Contact Extraction, Stabilizing Ring Insertion, and other PkZ and PDM Tools and Accessories